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NYCC 2024 showfloor to include Disney, Funko, HBO, Her Universe, and more
410k square feet of movies, tv, comics and more awaits at NYCC 2024's show floor.

Popverse was there for all four days of New York Comic Con 2024, immersing ourselves in the pop culture party full of vendors, events, and celebrities from the worlds of comics, movies, TV, gaming, and more. If you couldn't make it (or are worried you missed something) click the link for our wall-to-wall coverage of the event.
It's the biggest comic convention in North America, and on October 17 - 20, it returns. We're talking about New York Comic Con, of course.
And as the days count down until we all return to the Javits Center, we have news for you regarding the companies, studio, and talent that will be setting up tables, and booths (and in some cases, interactive events) for you to partake in on the show floor.
NYCC 2024 will have over 550 exhibitors across its 410,000 square foot show floor, featuring comic publishers such as Marvel Comics, VIZ Media, Mad Cave Studios, and James Tynion IV's Tiny Onion; anime titans such as Toei, Aniplex, Crunchyroll, and Dragon Ball; lit giants such as Scholastic, Simon & Schuster, and Penguin Random House; and multi-dimensional brands such as Disney Consumer Products and Interactive Media, HBO, Hallmark, Funko, and more.
The NYCC 2024 show floor will open at 10 AM Eastern each day of the convention, and be closing at 7 PM (except on Sunday when it closes at 5 PM).
Here is the full list of NYCC 2024 Exhibitors announced so far, with more major ones to be announced closer to the event:
- 100% Soft
- 181 Comics and Collectibles
- 2Land Comics
- 3D Printing by Muckychris
- 7 Bucks A Pop
- A Nerd And A Nomad
- A Reason to Smile Books
- Aaron Lambert Art
- Abrams Books
- Abrams ComicArts
- Absolute Comics & Statues
- Absolute Comics Group
- AGameMerch
- AimControllers
- Akiba HQ
- Albert Moy Artworks
- Alchemy Art Group, LLC
- Alex Ross Art
- All Blue Anime
- All Nippon Airways Co., LTD.
- Aloha Comics
- Alpacasews
- Amourable Art
- Animation Art Emporium
- Animation Comics & Entertainment LLC
- Anime Depot/King Roach Enterprises Inc
- Anime Gifts
- Anime Remix/168 Dragon Trading
- Aniplex of America Inc.
- Anthony's Comic Book Art
- Armory Quest
- Art and Design High School
- Art By Quinton
- Art of JaCo
- Art of Nick Lanza
- Art Prints
- ArtCarp
- Artist AJ Moore
- Artist Alliez
- Artistic Flavorz
- Artoons
- ASC Productions
- Aspen Comics
- Atlas Comics
- Atsuko
- Aviña Comics
- Awesome Minis
- Bad Egg Publishing LLC
- Bad Idea Comics
- Bandai Co Ltd.
- Bandai Namco Entertainment America Inc
- Bandai Namco Toys & Collectibles America Inc. (BNTCA)
- Battle Quest Comics
- Baz LLC
- Bead Geekz/Geekz Haven
- Bear Walker
- Bearded Artist
- Beasts and Baubles
- Bespokemon
- Bibisama Inc.
- Bird City Comics
- BirdbrainsNYC
- Bitty Boomers
- Bitz & Buttons
- Black Dog Collectibles
- Blackstone Publishing
- BlackTooth Publishing, LLC
- Blerd
- Bob The Artist
- Book Page Art
- Bosuman
- Bowie Art
- BoxWood Boards Co.
- Brian C. Roll
- Brian Kong
- Brittnee Braun Designs
- Brittney Ann Art
- Brownrabbits
- Bullet Proof Comics inc.
- Bushiroad USA Inc.
- Capcom USA Inc
- Carnivore Comics
- Catawampus Press
- CBCS Comics
- CCP Comics/Dead Robot Studios
- CCT Miami
- CDH Creations LLC
- Certified Guaranty Company LLC CGC
- CGA Grading
- Chasing Artwork
- Chicago Costume Company
- Chocolate Moonshine Co., LLC.
- Choice Fine Art
- Chuck U Art
- Chzyshenanigans
- Civil Regime
- CJ Draden LLC
- Clayton Crain
- Closet Geek LLC
- Clover Puff
- Coach PS Universe
- Collectionzz
- Collector Cave
- Collectors Heaven
- Collectors Universe and Anime Inc.
- Comic Book Legal Defense Fund
- Comic Inspiration
- Comic Pop Collectibles
- Comic Sandwiches
- Comic Spot
- ComicConnect
- Comiclink
- Comics Elite LLC
- Comics On Coffee
- ComicXposure
- Conpacks Studios..
- Cooper's Cave Games
- Copper Coast Confections
- Cordy's Corner
- Cosplay MooMoo
- Creative Image Designs
- Creative One Comics
- Cross Country Collectibles
- Crunchyroll
- CultureFly
- cutiehats
- Cyanide & Happiness
- Dan Gallo
- Dave & Adam's Card World
- Dave Perillo & Ian Glaubinger Illustration
- David Nakayama
- Dead Sky Publishing
- Death Of Color
- Decus Workshop LLC, DBA Decus Workshop
- de-Kryptic
- Denzell Draws
- Desert Wind Comics
- Diamond Select Toys
- Diana Teeter Art
- Dice Dungeons
- DIFF Eyewear LLC.
- Digital PIMP
- Dimension Decals
- Dimension X Comics
- Disney Consumer Products and Interactive Media, Inc.
- DisParody
- Ditko Club
- Doce Sabor
- Dominic Glover
- Dragon Ball
- Drawing the Dragon - April Adams
- Drew Blank
- East Side Comics
- eBay
- Edenseek Publishing
- End Zone Collectibles
- Enrica Martine Studio
- Erik Arreaga
- E's Apparel
- Everyday Geek
- Evo Comics Inc
- EVO Universe
- F.U.N.K - For Urban Nerd Kulture
- Fanboy Collectibles
- Fanhome / DeAgostini Publishing USA
- Fanroll Dice
- Fantasy Gifts
- Fat Guy Inc.
- Fierce Literature
- FiGPiN
- Fine Comic Collectibles
- First Law of Mad Science
- Flannel Panels
- Floral Frolic
- Formula 350
- Free DLC Artwork
- Fugitive Toys
- Funko
- FU-Stamps
- Galactic Productions, LLC
- Galactic Toys
- Gallery Panda
- Game Night Arcade
- Game of HAM
- Geek Boy Press
- Geek Orthodox
- Geek Stuff: TNG
- Geek Therapeutics
- Geeks OUT
- Geeks United
- Geeky Girl Stitches
- Gem Blenders TCG
- Gem City Books
- Genco Art
- Ghost Machine
- Gindo's Spice of Life
- GinGee Girls
- Girls Crew
- Global Comix
- Goldin Auctions
- Good Smile Company
- Goozee Pins
- Grandpa Gaming of Las Vegas
- Great American Gothic
- Greentea Designs Inc
- Gundam Base
- Guy Gilchrist
- Hachette Book Group USA
- Hake's Auction
- Hallmark: For All Fankind
- Hand Over The Hero
- Happy Goods
- Harebrained Design
- Harley Yee Rare Comics
- Harper Collins
- Hasttel Toys
- HBO Original: The Franchise
- Headlocked Comics
- Her Universe
- Heritage Auctioneers & Galleries, Inc.
- Hero Tomorrow Comics
- Hero Within
- Heroes & Damsels
- Heroes and Villains
- Heroes Hideout
- Héroes Latinxs
- Heroes West Coast
- Herofied
- Hibernacula
- Highgradecomics.com
- Hot Flips LLC
- Hypland
- Icon Heroes
- Illuminidol LLC
- Image Anime Co Ltd
- In My Parents Basement, Inc.
- Inland Blue Comics
- Insight Editions
- Ironguard Supplies
- Island Collectibles & Fine Custom Framing
- J&J Collectibles
- J&V Anime Corp
- Jack Kirby - A Tribute in Sugar Art
- Jack Kirby Museum & Research Center
- Jada Toys Inc.
- James C. Mulligan
- Jamie Tyndall
- Jamon Red
- JapanWave
- Jason Edmiston
- jellykoe
- Jewelry Brands/SalesOne Intl.
- Jidou Art studio
- Jon Elliott Art
- JOYTOY (Beijing) Technology Development Co., Ltd
- Kaboom! Comics and Collectibles
- Kadokawa World Entertainment
- Karen Hallion Illustration
- Kathy100 & Potatobuns
- Kawaii Satori
- Kehasuk
- Kid Heroes Productions
- Kimchi Kreative
- Kingdom Comics
- Kingdom of Threads
- Kinokuniya Bookstore
- Kissui
- Knights of the Comic
- KnoWhere Toys Comic & Games
- Koch Comics
- Koko Kuma
- Konami Digital Entertainment Inc
- Kristina's Comics
- Kwento Comics
- La Borinqueña
- LaLaLaurie
- Larger Than Life Toys & Comics
- Legends Comics and Games
- Lex+Otis
- Lily Bean
- Lionel Trains
- LionSky/ ARW Publishing
- Literary Alterations
- Little Bad Wren
- Little Shop Of Pins
- Lost 4 Toys
- Lovers Over Losers
- Lychee Media
- M. Lineham Art
- M. Victoria Robado
- M2-P2
- Mad Cave Studios
- Marmals
- Marvel Studios
- Marvelous Merchandise
- Materia Music Inc
- Matsumoto Art - HelloMoto Creative
- MAZE Studio
- MBartist
- MechaBREAK
- Media Hoax
- Megan Withey
- Meg's Mashables
- Mehron Makeup
- Merlin's Munchies Coffee Company
- Mess Bucket Comics
- Metropolis Collectibles Inc
- Mezco Toyz
- Mike Maydak
- Milan Records/ Sony Masterworks
- Mirkywood Emporium
- Mischief Toys LLC
- Misty Mountain Gaming
- Monkey Minion Press - Dane Ault
- Montasy Comics
- Moon Pals
- Moss Fete
- Mount Olympus Comics
- Moving Pictures Comics and Collectibles
- Musetap Studios
- My First Comic
- myplasticheart
- Nameless Bastard LLC
- Nate Jones Design
- National Cartoonists Society
- Neko Mission
- Neopets
- Nerds-Nobody Ever Respects Dorks Society
- Nerdy Novelty Design
- Nethery Creations
- Next Generation Comics and Cards
- Nicoline Evans
- Nite Owl Workshop
- Nomasss Comics
- nooligan
- Norse Legion
- Northern Wind Comics, Inc.
- Nostalgic Investments/Auctions
- NovaTees
- Ohmonah
- Onrie Kompan Productions
- Orange Inc.
- Panda Hat
- Panel Page Art
- Panico Press
- Paper Lab Studios
- Pascual Productions
- Paul’s Comics & Collectibles
- PCS Toys
- Peachade Shop
- PEDA Entertainment
- Penguin Random House: Book World
- Pixel Empire
- PixelThat
- Plantcycled
- Plastic Empire
- Pop Art Saints
- Pops N Son Collectibles
- Press Start Games - New England
- Protagonist Live, LLC
- PureArts Limited
- Purple Plum Inc.
- Puzzle Culture
- Quirkilicious
- Ranelynn Graphics LLC
- Ranger Stop
- Rare Earth Comics
- Rather Awesome
- Red's Comics
- Reece's Rare Comics
- Retro Rewind Pops
- Revolt Studios
- Robo7
- Robosen Robotics, Inc.
- Rocket Pop Inc.
- RockLove Jewelry
- Romitaman Original Art
- Royal Collectibles
- R-Squared Entertainment LLC
- S. Preston Art + Designs
- Samsung Galaxy
- Sandstorm Comics
- Sanshee LLC
- Sara M Schaller - Author
- Schjoay Productions
- Scholastic Inc
- Scorched Design Co
- ScottEder.com
- SD Toys
- Sean Carlson Art
- Secrets of Stones
- SeeKevDraw
- Seven Arts Gallery
- Seventh.Ink
- Shark Angels
- SharkRobot
- Shawn Coss
- Sigma Comics
- Silver Age Comics
- Simon & Schuster
- Siouxsiequeues
- Sire Studios Inc.
- Skully Kouture
- Skygraphx
- SnarkFish T-Shirts
- Snowstorm Comics
- So Many Toys
- Soundbooth Theater
- Source Point Press
- Sparkle! Designs
- Spectral Comics
- Spitfire Labs
- Spoke Art Gallery
- SpooksieBoo, Inc
- Spoonable Spirits
- St Jude
- St Marks Comics
- Star Ace Toys Limited
- Stat Trackers
- Stephen Najarian
- Steve Minty
- Stitch Toons
- Storm King Productions Inc.
- Stormy Vault
- Stranger Comics
- Studio D'Amore
- StudioKM.com
- Stylin' Online
- Subkultures
- Suburban Fairy Tales
- Sukesha Ray
- Sumerian
- SuperEmoFriends
- Swarovski North America Limited
- Syracuse University
- Tamashii Nations
- Tasty Peach Studios
- TCM Press
- Tea & Absinthe
- Tee No Evil
- TeeMinus24
- TeeTurtle
- Tenacious Collective
- Tentacle Kitty
- Terry Huddleston
- That Guy with the Coasters
- The Addiction
- The Animation Guild, IATSE Local 839
- The Art of Ashleigh Popplewell & Mark Dos Santos
- The Art of Tom Cook, Classic TV Animator
- The Black Flag BBQ
- The Collectors Castle
- The Collectors Lair
- The Colorful Geek
- The Comic Corner
- The Comic Mint
- The Euphoric Treefort
- The Geeky Robots
- The Jelly Empire
- The Lair
- The Legacy Studio
- The Legging Lass
- The Nerd Out
- The New York Public Library
- The Noble Collection US
- The Pin Shoppe
- The Pink Lotus Company LLC
- The Pop Insider
- The Ronin Saga
- The Topps Company Inc
- The Werkroom
- They're Action Figures
- Thirteenth Floor
- Thrilljoy
- Tickle Me Toys
- Tiny Onion
- TnS Collectibles
- Toei Animation Inc
- tokidoki
- Tony Santiago Art
- Tor Publishing Group, First Second, Fierce Reads, Macmillan
- Toy & Comic Heaven
- Toy Mandala
- Toy Temple
- Toy Tokyo
- Toynk Toys
- Toyslogic
- Toytastik
- Traly Inc. dba Pin Club
- Triforce Cosplay & Accessories
- TTI Consumer Power Tools, Inc.
- Tuskegee Heirs
- Tuttle Publishing
- Twisted Comics
- TwyLite Fashions
- Uchida of America Corp
- Ukiyo-E Heroes
- Ultrasabers
- Undiscovered Realm
- Undisputed Comics King
- Unknown Comics
- Unpopular Studio
- Unstoppable Comics
- Updog Comics
- Urban Books, LLC
- V1 Tech
- Vader's Vault
- Vault Comics
- VeeFriends
- Verizon
- Vertebrae33
- Very Gary Comics
- VeVe
- VGNYsoft
- Victory Comics
- Videguy Collectibles
- Video Game Shadow Box
- Videogamesnewyork
- Visual Vibration LLC
- Vivid Panel
- Viz Media LLC
- Volante Design Incorporated
- VulgarDragon's Den
- Walking Dead Toys - Toy Rescue
- Watchtower Comics Toys and Apparel
- Wattpad WEBTOON Studios, Inc
- Wayward Raven Media
- Webtoon
- What's Your Passion Jewelry - ComicBookJewelry.com
- Whimsic Alley
- Whirl and Twirl
- White Tiger Collectables
- Wilde Man Publishing
- Wildlife Conservation Society
- Wizyakuza
- Wo Arts
- Wooji LLC
- Yantz Pins
- Yoshi Yoshitani
- Zapp! Comics
- Zen Monkey Studios
- Zenescope Entertainment
- Zero Zero
- Zukie Art Inc
Look for more NYCC 2024 booths to be announced soon, along with the NYCC 2024's Artist Alley creators.
Relive New York Comic Con 2024 with Popverse's all-star crew of writers, editors, and video producers right here.
About New York Comic Con
Welcome home, hero. This is your event where you can feel unafraid to geek out. Where you’re accepted and embraced for being yourself, regardless of your cultural background, physical ability, personal identity, or self-expression. Where you can experience the best in pop culture, be inspired, get star struck, treat yourself, and create all of those memories with the people you care about the most.
Jacob Javits Convention Center
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