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Chip Zdarsky, Alyssa Wong, Jill Thompson, Art Adams, Ryan Stegman, and more: the full C2E2 2024 Artist Alley line-up
The people who make your favorite things are artists - and many of them are coming to Chicago for C2E2 2024.

Some would say Chicago's C2E2 has the best artist alley of all the comic conventions in the world. Who is "some"? It's me. I say it, and have been saying it for a decade now.
So it's with that in mind that Popverse is excited to announce the full C2E2 2024 Artist Alley line-up, which includes Chicago celebrities like Jill Thompson, Gene Ha, and Tim Seeley, along with superstars like Chip Zdarsky (Batman, Sex Criminals), Alyssa Wong (Star Wars: Doctor Aphra, Deadpool) and Jesse Lonergan (Hedra). Plus hundreds more!
Without further adieu, here's the 2024 C2E2 Artist Alley talent list - check directly with the C2E2 website for any additions or changes between now and the event:
- Aaron Campbell
- Aaron Kuder
- Abelle Hayford
- Acacia Torres
- Adi Granov
- Aisha Anwar
- Al Abbazia
- Alan Cortes
- Alane Grace
- Alba Gonzalez
- Alberto Jimenez Alburquerque
- Alejandro Rosado
- Alessandro Micelli
- Alex Ogle
- Alex Wrinkle
- Alexander Iaccarino
- Alice Lo
- Alicia Chen Meiyi
- Alisa Vysochina
- Allexis Kristedja
- Allison (Jingxiao) Yu
- Alyssa Cerasari
- Alyssa Herman
- Alysssa Wong
- Anderson Carman
- Andrea Bell
- Andrew Griffith
- Andrew Pepoy
- Andrew Thompson
- Andrew Day
- Angelina Nguyen
- Anh Dinh
- Anh Nguyen
- Ant Lucia
- Anthony Fowler Jr.
- Anthony Hill
- Anthony Lau
- April McGillis
- Ariana Hernandez
- Ariel Chan
- Arielle Jovellanos
- Arthur Adams
- Arthur Baltazar
- Aryana Guerrero
- Ash Forsythe
- Ashleigh Popplewell
- Audrey Benjaminsen
- Austin Drake
- Austin Janowsky
- Babs Webb
- Baldemar Rivas
- Babs Tarr
- Becca Farrow
- Becca Whitaker
- Ben Templesmith
- Bethany Duvall
- Bethany Radloff
- Bianca Roman-Stumpff
- Bill McKay
- Bill and Linda Reinhold
- Blanca Torres
- Bob Camp
- Bordin Marsinkul
- Brad Sun
- Braden Duncan
- Brian Cook
- Brian Level
- Brianna Garcia
- Brit Austin
- Cait May
- Caitlin Scannell
- Caitlyn Kurilich
- Caleb King
- Camila Tasaico
- Camila Maria De Lima Stoy
- Camron Johnson
- Candace Poblador
- Cara McGee
- Cardinal Cusack
- Carina Guevara
- Carla Wyzgala tauch
- Carmen Foy
- Catherine Guevara
- Catherine Wray
- Catherine and Sarah Satrun
- Catthy Trinh
- Celia Calle
- Chance Miller
- Charles Stewart III
- Charles Thurston
- Chia An Ku
- Chip Zdarsky
- Chris Claremont
- Chris Ehnot
- Chris Hamer
- Chris Santana
- Chris Campana
- Chrissie Zullo Uminga
- Christa Diehl
- Christina Chang
- Christine Lee
- Christopher Dillen Phelps
- Christopher Uminga
- Christopher Vu
- Christopher Wilson
- Christopher Jones
- Chuck Pavoni
- Cindy Den
- Clarissa Mercado
- Claudia Stephens
- Clay Adams
- Clay McCormack
- Clinton Hobart
- Colin Lor
- Colleen Deignan
- Comfort Love and Adam Withers
- Connie Cheung
- Corinne Roberts
- Courtney Scriven
- Criss Madd
- Crystal Fae
- Cully Hamner
- Cynthia Her
- Daimon Hampton
- Dan Cooney
- Dan Dougherty
- Dan Mendoza
- Dan Parent
- Dan Voltz
- Dane Ault
- Daniel Govar
- Daniel Khanna
- Danielle Saiz
- Danielle Weires
- Danny Schlitz
- Dave Acosta
- Dave Baker
- Dave Wachter
- Dave Dorman
- Dave Johonson
- David Finch
- David Pepose
- Deegan Puchkors
- Delilah Caldera
- Demi Cepeda
- Derek Kirk Kim
- Diana Nguyen
- Dirk Manning
- DJ Corchin
- Don Ellis Aguillo
- Donald Cardenas
- Dorphise Jean
- Douglas Paszkiewicz
- Dustin Nguyen
- Ed Steckley
- Eddie Avila
- Eddie Campbell
- Eden Benton
- Edwin Huang
- Eleanor Miranda
- Elena Morton
- Eli Benik
- Eli Cameron
- Elias Chatzoudis
- Elizabeth Goodrum
- Elizabeth Kim
- Elizabeth Neng
- Em Wenzel
- Emily Alvarez
- Emily Blundell
- Emily Painter
- Emmy Brown
- Enid Balám
- Eric Palicki
- Eric Powell
- Erica Williams
- Erin Lefler
- Fabrice Sapolsky
- Faith Newman
- Fan Yang
- Fernando Blanco
- Franco Aureliani
- Frank Cho
- Gabby Ramirez
- Gabriel Bautista
- Gabrielle Gabourel
- Gabrielle Howard
- Gavin Smith
- Geannina Gutierrez
- Gene Ha
- Geneva Bowers
- Genevieve Ramsey
- Genevieve Santos
- Geoffrey Wessel
- George Vega
- Gerardo Dos Diaz
- Grace Yim
- Greg Lockard
- Hae-Min Kim
- Hafsa Mohammad
- Hainanu Saulque
- Hal Tedeschi
- Hanna Schroy
- Hannah Hillam
- Heather Batker
- Helen Greer
- Holly Hawks
- Huanglizhi Sheng
- I Ting Tina Wang
- Inhyuk Lee
- Jacqueline Hnat
- Jae Lee
- Jaimie Melot
- Jake Smith
- Jamie Lee
- Jamie Schleisman
- Jamie Lynn Beamesderfer
- JaNeal Bartlett
- Janet Sung
- Jarrett Melendez
- Jason Alexander
- Jason Metcalf
- Jason Muhr
- Jay Fosgitt
- Jay Gillespie
- Jeff Dekal
- Jeff Rider
- Jemely and Jeremy Jayme
- Jen Taylor
- Jenna Ayoub
- Jennifer Williams
- Jenny Frison
- Jeremy Bastian
- Jeremy Haun
- Jesse Lonergan
- Jesse Wichmann
- Jessie Wang
- Jesslyn Torres
- Jey Parks
- Jiaqi He
- Jieyi Mei
- Jill Thompson
- Jim Mehsling
- Jim Terry
- Joe Corroney
- Joe Eisma
- Joe Quinones
- Joel Siegel
- Johanna Taylor
- John Avina
- John Beatty
- John Bivens
- John Gebbia
- John Giang
- John Livesay
- John Marroquin
- Johnny Parker II
- Jon Pinto
- Jonathan Wayshak
- Jordan Gunderson
- Jorge Jiminez
- Jose Esquivel
- Jose Feliciano
- Jose Marzan Jr.
- Joseph Dragunas
- Joseph Jones
- Joseph Schmalke
- Joyce Chin
- Julianne Le
- Julie Elorza
- Julie Vu
- Jung Shan Chang
- Justin Birch
- Justin Castaneda
- Justin Madson
- Justyna Babinska
- Kacie Clarke
- Karen Hallion
- Kari Smith
- Karina Gazizova
- Katherine Bolan
- katherine cunningham
- Katia Feia
- Katie Mansfield
- Kay Rossbach
- Kayden Phoenix
- Keishla Rodriguez
- Keith Carmack
- Keith Williams
- Kelly McKernan
- Kelly Williams
- Kelly McMahon
- Kellyanne Fitzgerald
- Kelsey Mellon
- Kelsi Silva
- Ken W. Lashley
- Kenny Porter
- Kevin Maguire
- Kit Steele
- Klaus Janson
- Koki Miura
- Kristen Hackos
- Kyle Higgins
- Kyle Irving
- Kyrtin Avello
- Lauren Dombrowski
- Lauren Page
- Lauren Trahan
- Lauren Walsh
- Le Bueria
- Leanne Huynh
- Liang Zhao
- Lily Novotny
- Lisa LaRose
- Lizzette Puma
- Luciannys Camacho
- Ludo Smolic
- Luyi Bennett
- Lydia Perez
- Madeline Murray
- Madison Jester
- Mahmud Suwwan
- Mai Van
- Malachi Ward
- Manny Mederos
- Mar Motzel
- Marcelo Costa
- Margaret Li
- Maria Freed
- Maria Lopez
- Marissa Pope
- Mark Irwin
- Mark Sable
- Mark Brooks
- Marleni Gomez
- Marshall Gier
- Martin Simmonds
- Mary Ann Countryman
- Maryury Rivera
- Matt Emmons
- Matthew Brennan
- Matthew Skillern
- Matthias Lissak
- Megan Wyreweden
- Megan Lara Castile
- Mel Vargas
- Melissa Capriglione
- Melissa Doskotz
- Melissa McManus
- Melissa Ramos
- Mia LaPine
- Michael Gerlich
- Michael Lu
- Michael Matsumoto
- Michelle Lodge
- Mike Norton
- Mike Maydak
- Mile Bui
- Mindy Lee
- Mindy Wong
- Minerva Fox
- Mirka Andolfo
- Mog Park
- Monica Gallagher
- Monica Lopez
- Monte Miller
- Morgan Beem
- Morgan Hall
- Morgan Young
- Naoko Mullally
- Naomi Romero
- Natalie Rodgers
- Natasha Petrovic
- Nathaniel Melendez
- Ngoc Ngo
- Nhat Nguyen
- Nicole Sands
- Nina Yoshida
- Oli Carioti
- Olivia Shetler
- Pablo Villalobos
- Pat Shand
- Patrick Horvath
- Peggy Shi
- Philip Byers
- Philip Moy
- Priscilla Wilson
- Rachel Bard
- Rachel Sanchez-Ong
- Rachel Stott
- Rachelle Atkinson
- Ragon Dickard
- Ray Fawkes
- Ray Walsh
- Rebecca Bowlin
- Rebecca Chrabaszewski
- Rebecca Good
- Rebecca Lugo
- Rebecca Mock
- Reggie Herman
- Ren Phu
- Ren Strapp
- Rich Bernatovech
- Rich Kunz
- Richard Wojcicki
- Richy Truong
- Rick Parker
- Rin Minatozaki
- Rob Reep
- Robert Wilson
- Roberto Rivera Padró
- Rod Reis
- Rongtian Yan
- Ronnie Dukes
- Royce Adkins
- Ruxin Zhang
- Ryan Dunlavey
- Ryan Miller
- Ryan Browne
- Ryan Kincaid
- Ryan Ottley
- Ryan Stegman
- Sabrina Delmundo
- Sally Scott
- Samantha Dodge
- Samantha Hejl
- Samantha Melendez
- Sang Lam
- Sarah Black
- Sarah Madura
- Sarah Szeszol
- Sarah Thompson
- Sarah Myer
- Savanna Mayer
- Scott Larson
- Scott James
- Scott McMahon
- Sean Anderson
- Sean Dove
- Sean Forney
- Sean Tay
- Seana Bombard
- Serena Guerra
- Seth Damoose
- Seth Groves
- Shea Britton
- Sid Venblu
- Soo Lee
- Soo Park
- Stephane Roux
- Stephanie Lavaud
- Stephanie McKenzie
- Stephanie Mided
- Stephanie Phillips
- Stephen Willey
- Steve Bryant
- Steven Tran
- Stuart Sayger
- Sydney Ballard
- Tan Jennifer Ly
- Tanya Churchill
- Tara Hamilton
- Tatiana Quigley
- Terumi Tashima
- Thom Zahler
- Thomas Bacon
- Tiffany Le
- Tim Seeley
- Tina Ritchie
- Tom Kelly
- Tom Velez
- Tom Richmond
- Toni Franceschi
- Tony Kordos
- Tony Miello
- Tony Moy
- Tony Daniel
- Tressina Bowling
- Trevor Mueller
- Tyler Walpole
- Tyrell Cannon
- Vanity L Diaz
- Victoria Feliciano
- Victoria Sprague
- Viktor Farro
- Vincent Kao
- Warren Montgomery
- Wei Jean Tang
- Winston Gambro
- Yili Fang
- Yingting Liu
- Yingying Zhoi
- Zach Johnson
- Zack Kaplan
- Zhiyuan Xu
- Zitong Zhao
- James Kucaj
- Michael Duron
- Everest Strayer
Re-live the majesty of C2E2 with our the C2E2 2024 Main Stage panel videos on-demand, all the major things Popverse found at the Chicago show, and C2E2 2024's best cosplay.
About C2E2
Chicago's signature pop culture weekend returns with US's best artist alley, a roster of must-see TV and movie stars, and more.
McCormick Place, Chicago
United States
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